
WOAH! Updates? Here? Happy Soon™️ day!

Version 0.6.0 is here.

Version 0.6.0 is our largest update to date. With this version, we enter an open beta. All players can register without submitting an application. The game is in a stable enough state to be public.

NOTE: Sitekick Remastered is still in Beta. All chips, xp, and collection lists will be wiped upon the full release.

What's new:
- 600+ new chips
- The Chipendium now logs every chip you pick up
- You can now trade between players
- Password resets now function
- Account verification emails now function
- 10 new slots (see bugs)

Major changes:
Playing via a web browser is no longer supported. The only supported platforms currently are Android and Windows.

Known bugs:
- All equipped chips were moved to player inventories (+10 slots)
- Dumping a chip up for trade doesn't cancel the offer (it can not be accepted)
- Some players might need to re-launch the game to see new trade offers