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How to use SitePic

A discord bot that generates user profile pictures via private messages.

Brief Tutorial:

Use the buttons below SitePic's message to navigate and make changes to your own Sitekick avatar. After you finish your avatar, you can download it and upload it to Discord.

General Commands:

  • /help - Opens help menu. If it already exists, a link to this message will be posted.

  • /menu - Opens the main menu.

  • /clear - Clears 100 bot messages. Note: This might take a while.

  • /reset - Resets your profile picture to the default Sitekick.

Image Editing Commands:

  • /fill - Allows you to input an RGB or HEX value for the body or eyes.

  • /linear_gradient - Set the colour of the body or eyes to a linear gradient.

  • /bilinear_gradient - Set the colour of the body or eyes to a bilinear gradient.

  • /body_sections - Allows you to customize each section of the Sitekick's body.

  • /eye_sections - Allows you to customize each section of the Sitekick's eyes.

  • /heterochromia - Lets you make a Sitekick with two different colour eyes.

  • /rotate - Rotates the profile picture.

  • /zoom - Allows you to zoom into the profile picture.

  • /translate - Allows you to shift the profile picture.

  • /flip - Allows you to flip the profile picture... looks weird.

  • /presets - Lets you choose from a list of presets.


  • Kablooey - Sets your avatar to Kablooey's body & eye colors.

  • Authicer - Sets your avatar to Authicer's body & eye colors.

  • Paul - Sets your avatar to Paul's body & eye colors.

  • Deadkick - Sets your avatar to a deactivated Sitekick's body color & closed eyes.